Recordings – Listen back to events

SPHeRE Network Online Symposium June 2024

Open Science for Early Career Researchers: Opening the Door with Dr Elaine Toomey

Lecturer at the University of Galway and Programme Director of the MSc in Evidence-Based Future Healthcare

Chaired by SPHeRE Director Ali Khashan

SPHeRE Network Online Symposium April 2024

Evidence synthesis for decision making with Dr Barbara Clyne

Senior lecturer in the Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, School of Population Health, RCSI

Chaired by SPHeRE Director Ali Khashan

SPHeRE Network Online Symposium November 2023

Understanding the causes of dementia: how far have we come? with Dr Emma Anderson,

Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the Division of Psychiatry, UCL

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Ali Khashan

SPHeRE Network Online Symposium June 2023

SALAAM Project on Racism with Dr. James Carr and Racism: A Public Health Issue with Zubair Kabir

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Ali Khashan

SPHeRE Network Online Symposium June 2023

Key considerations for health information in Ireland – current and future developments with Dr. Maria Ryan, HIQA

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Ali Khashan


SPHeRE Network Online Symposium April 2023

Irish people’s views on the collection, use and sharing of health information with Dr. Sarah Jane Flaherty, HIQA

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Ali Khashan


SPHeRE Network Online Symposium March 2023

Endometriosis with Dr Cathy Burke, Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Cork University Maternity Hospital

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Ali Khashan

SPHeRE Network Online Symposium December 2022

Was the Danish emergency care centralisation policy successful? An interrupted time series analysis.
with Dr. Marianne Fløjstrup MD, PhD., Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Prof John Browne


SPHeRE Network Summer Seminar 2022

Long Covid: Health and Wellbeing in the LGBTQI+ Community
with Dr Chris Noone (NUI Galway)
“Considering LGBT+ Identities in Health Research”

and Dr Lorna Roe (TCD)
“How health system design and delivery can fail to support the needs of LGBTQI+ older adults”

Chaired by SPHeRE Director Prof Sarah Barry

SPHeRE Network Spring Seminar 2022

Long Covid: What we Know, What Remains Unknown

With Dr Charitini Stavropoulou,
Associate Professor in Health Services Research
Co-Director for Centre for Healthcare Innovation Research (CHIR)
School of Health Sciences
City, University of London

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Prof John Browne

SPHeRE Network Seminar 2021

The purpose, value and limitations of mathematical models in the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from an Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group member
With Prof Cathal Walsh, Professor of Statistics at the University of Limerick

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Prof John Browne


SPHeRE Network Winter Seminar 2021

Early Career Researchers: Making a Difference During the Pandemic?
Prof Molly Byrne (NUI Galway)
Dr Darren Dahly (UCC)
Dr Linda O’Keeffe (UCC)
Dr Kate O’Neill (UCC)
Dr Elaine Toomey (UL)

Chaired by SPHeRE Director Prof Sarah Barry


SPHeRE Network Autumn Seminar 2021

PPI: Improving Health Outcome by Partnering with Those Affected by Cancer with Dr Robert O’Connor, Director of Research at the Irish Cancer Society

Chaired by SPHeRE Co-Director Prof John Browne



SPHeRE Network Summer Seminar 2021

Health Inequalities: Time for a Re-Think? by Dr John Ford

Chaired by Professor Ivan Perry